Spilling the Beans on Hydration: Coffee, Myths, and All You Need to Sip On

Oct 21, 2023


🚰 Did You Know? Nearly 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. Shocking, right? But before you rush to chug down a gallon, let’s debunk some myths and lay down the facts about hydration.


The Truth Behind the "8x8" Rule:
You’ve likely heard the advice: "Drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day." While it's a great starting point, factors like age, activity level, and climate can influence just how much H2O you truly need.

Coffee as the “Dehydration Culprit:
Good news for coffee lovers! Your morning java doesn't dehydrate you as once believed. While it's a diuretic, the water in coffee (and its volume) pretty much balances the effects.


The Importance of Balance
While staying hydrated is essential, too much water too quickly can lead to water intoxication. It's about finding that sweet spot for your body's needs. Adding electrolytes is a crucial element to help find this happy place.  Here's the deal – when you're properly hydrated, your heart doesn’t have to work as hard, your skin looks radiant, and yes, you even think clearer! And let's not forget how vital electrolytes are in this hydration game.

Watch Out for Hidden Sugars:
While sports drinks claim to replenish electrolytes, many are teeming with sugars and dyes. But don't fret, there are healthier alternatives out there that still pack the electrolytic punch you need without the unnecessary extras. Looking for one without all the junk?   We're happy to share one we love! 

Feeling inspired to level up your hydration game? 🌊 Check out our Instagram video on three ways to make your water routine more exciting! Also, don’t forget to stay tuned and text “h2O” to  913.359.1021 to be part of our hydration challenge and receive daily reminders and tips directly to your phone.


Stay hydrated and keep glowing! 🥤


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