Embrace the Mess: Taking Action and Jumping In for Success

adaptability embrace growth embrace imperfection goal setting growth is messy growth mindset messy action overcoming fear personal growth progress small victories Apr 03, 2023

Tech is not really my thing. I use technology daily, but whenever it comes to problems, questions, issues, whatever at my house, my husband is our designated IT.  I prefer to think that "stuff" that goes on behind everything working smoothly is just magic. But as it often happens in life, when we really want something new, we have to get comfortable doing things we don't really want to do in order to grow. Right? 

Take this website. It's been a labor of love.  And frustration.  And cursing.  And maybe some tears. ;) The thing is when you post something out in the world you don't tend to hear when everything is running smoothly and perfectly, do you?  We hear about the hiccups, the missteps, the errors, the poorly placed typos that lead to new clients being greeted with a warm "Hell" instead of hello, being locked out of the site entirely or unable to reach portions they need to obtain material. Oh yes, if there ever was an example of doing it messy, our kick off has certainly been one!   And as much as I wish I could avoid all criticism and lack of perfection in life, I know, deep down that it is through the hiccups and missteps that I have learned and grown the most in my life. Our hope is that while our example was not planned, we can help share how embracing "messy action" can lead to growth and success in your life. 

The Beauty of Messy Action:

Messy action is the idea of taking imperfect steps towards your goals, just like launching our first live course, knowing that you won't be perfect, but that's not what it's all about. It's about progress over perfection, learning through trial and error, and adjusting your course as needed. By embracing messy action, you're allowing yourself to grow and evolve, which can ultimately lead to more significant achievements than waiting for the perfect moment.

Set Realistic Expectations:

Before diving headfirst into messy action, it's essential to set realistic expectations. Understand that mistakes will be made, and you may not have all the answers right away. Be kind to yourself and accept that imperfection is part of the process. Remember, the goal is to learn and grow, not to be perfect from the start.

Taking the Leap:

Now that you've set your expectations, it's time to jump in and take action. Here are some tips to help you embrace messy action:

  1. Break down your goals: Break your larger goals into smaller, more manageable steps. This will make it easier to take action and allow you to see progress along the way.

  2. Prioritize: Focus on the most critical tasks first. This will help you make the most significant impact on your goals, even if everything isn't perfect.

  3. Start small: If you're feeling overwhelmed, start with small actions that build momentum. As you gain confidence, you can tackle more significant tasks and challenges.

  4. Learn from mistakes: As you take action, there will be setbacks and mistakes. Embrace these as learning opportunities and use them to grow and improve.

  5. Reflect and adjust: Periodically assess your progress and adjust your approach as needed. This will help you stay on track and make the necessary changes to achieve your goals.

Celebrate the Imperfections:

As you take messy action, don't forget to celebrate your imperfections and successes. Acknowledge your growth and the small victories along the way, no matter how imperfect they may be. This positive reinforcement will keep you motivated and inspired to continue taking action towards your goals.


Taking messy action can be a game-changer for achieving your goals and dreams. By embracing imperfection, setting realistic expectations, and learning for our mistakes as we go, we can reflect on what is going right, celebrate our efforts along the way and tweak our approach as we move forward! 

Here's to doing it messy, being a work in progress and knowing day by day we are getting better and better!  And that sure beats sitting on the sidelines critiquing the ones actually doing the things, doesn't it?  

Kristi and I are thrilled to be diving in with our new participants of Mindful Macros and thank you for your love and patience as we do!   We look forward to 8 weeks of learning and growing together!! 

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